No Sympathy for the Landlord
Solo Exhibition
Opening 23. September 2022, 6 pm
at aLMa9 Bistro, Bolzano
Exhibiton runs till Januray 7th 2023.
Visit by appointment
In collaboration with Thun Ceramic Residency.
Drinks by Sabrina De Martini
No Sympathy for the Landlord is a solo exhibition by Berlin-based artist Jake Kent.
In a disused warehouse space on Schlachthofstrasse in Bolzano, new ceramic sculptures are combined with found and recycled materials. With a DIY approach at the heart of his practice, Kent focuses on the history of subcultural movements and their contemporary excesses and potential disruptors. The widening class gap, squatting, punk and alternative housing projects are recurring themes. For the vernissage, the artist has produced a series of unique drinking vessels from which visitors are invited to drink. The anthropomorphic vessels are troublesome figures reminiscent of folkloric pixies, goblins or elves and, like nasty exhibition guides, tempt the audience to join their mischief with a homemade alcoholic potion.
In collaboration with:
BAW – Bolzano Art Weeks
Thun Ceramic Residency
aLMa9 Bistro
Eröffnung, 23. September
in aLMa9 Bistro, Bozen
In Kollaboration mit Thun Ceramic Residency.
Drinks by Sabrina De Martini
No Sympathy for the Landlord ist eine Einzelausstellung des in Berlin lebenden Künstlers Jake Kent.
In einem stillgelegten Lagerraum in der Schlachthofstrasse in Bozen werden neue Skulpturen aus Keramik mit gefundenen und recycelten Materialien kombiniert. Mit einem DIY-Ansatz im Zentrum seiner Praxis konzentriert sich Kent auf die Geschichte der subkulturellen Bewegungen und ihren heutigen Auswüchsen und potenziellen Störfaktoren. Die weiter auseinanderklaffende Klassenschere, Hausbesetzungen, Punk und alternative Wohnprojekte sind wiederkehrende Themen. Für die Vernissage hat der Künstler eine Reihe von unikaten Trinkgefäßen hergestellt, aus denen die Besucher eingeladen sind zu trinken. Die anthropomorphen Gefäße sind lästige Gestalten, die an folkloristische Wichtel, Kobolde oder Elfen erinnern und wie fiese Ausstellungsführer das Publikum verführen, sich ihrem Unfug mit einem hausgemachten alkoholischen Zaubertrank anzuschließen.
In Zusammenarbeit mit:
BAW – Bolzano Art Weeks
Thun Ceramic Residency
aLMa9 Bistro
Mostra personale
Inaugurazione: 23 settembre
ad aLMa9 Bistro, Bozano
18:00 - 22:00
Collaborazione con Thun Ceramic Residency.
Bevande di Sabrina De Martini
No Sympathy for the Landlord è una mostra personale dell'artista berlinese Jake Kent.
In un magazzino dismesso in Schlachthofstrasse a Bolzano, nuove sculture in ceramica sono combinate con materiali trovati e riciclati. Con un approccio DIY al centro della sua pratica, Kent si concentra sulla storia dei movimenti subculturali e sui loro eccessi contemporanei e potenziali distruttori. Il crescente divario di classe, lo squatting, il punk e i progetti abitativi alternativi sono temi ricorrenti. Per il vernissage, l'artista ha prodotto una serie di recipienti unici da cui i visitatori sono invitati a bere. I vasi antropomorfi sono figure fastidiose che ricordano i folletti, i folletti o gli elfi del folclore e, come le cattive guide della mostra, invitano il pubblico a unirsi alle loro malefatte con una pozione alcolica fatta in casa.
In collaborazione con:
BAW – Bolzano Art Weeks
Thun Ceramic Residency
aLMa9 Bistro