Bauen mit Luft / Building with air
Hans-Walter Müller, Bauen mit Luft, Workshop Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 2023, Photo by Marta Tonelli
Hans-Walter Müller, Bauen mit Luft, Workshop Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 2023, Photo by Marta Tonelli
Hans-Walter Müller, Bauen mit Luft, Workshop Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 2023, Photo by Marta Tonelli
with Hans-Walter Müller
06.09 — 10.09.2023
unibz – Faculty of Design and Art, Bozen/Bolzano
A Workshop hosted by Eau&Gaz Artist Residency
in collaboration with unibz, museion & transart
Fully booked
“An inflatable structure is simply a skin which contains space, separating exterior and interior, appearing and disappearing. As such, it’s a dematerialised, ludic, fantastic and uncommon space, very far away from traditional construction.” Hans-Walter Müller.
Join the workshop with the architect, engineer and artist Hans-Walter Müller (*1935 in Worms, Germany) in the creation of inflatable structures that maintain their form solely through the power of air pressure. The single parts will be cut out of recycled sheets and then assembled. Ultimately, these airy and soaring volumes will be provided with an entrance and anchors to secure them from flying away. The inflatable pavilions will serve the Kids Culture Club as free space for various activities and will change their location over the next few years.
Architect, engineer and artist Hans-Walter Müller has devoted almost his entire life to inflatable architecture. While others build from solid walls and the laws of gravity, Müller lets feather-light structures take off that are made of transparent or basic-toned plastic sheets. His architecture sometimes weighs less than 40 kg, is transportable and can be installed in 15 minutes. These single-walled pneumatic structures are like living volumes that sink a little with each entry and exit until the air pressure is restored. Without additional structures, these volumes of load-bearing air rise into the air and create a free space of light and air.
Hans Walter Müller's architectures have been used worldwide for temporary uses as diverse as exhibitions, festivals, theatre and concert performances. Just how long-lasting they can be, however, is shown by the fact that Hans Walter Müller himself has lived in one of his volumes in La Ferté-Alais near Paris for 50 years. The M210 volume rises to a height of over 5 metres and serves him as a studio and workshop for his experiments and constructions. Müller, who is now 88 years old, lives with his architecture and continues to develop it according to his needs. In doing so, he does not shy away from challenges and understands his volumes to be similar to life. Like bodies, his architectures retain their shape thanks to the excess pressure maintained inside, comparable to the blood pressure in humans and animals. It is therefore not surprising that Müller calls the inflatable gonflables a second skin.
Whereas his volumes initially differed from other pneumatic volumes created during the plastic boom of the 1960s, particularly in terms of shape and size, now the primary requirement is precision and the joint finding of approaches to solving problems. He has already given over 40 workshops to pass on his knowledge to students of art and architecture, thus making a significant contribution to the continuation and further development of pneumatic construction principles.
mit Hans-Walter Müller
06.09 — 10.09.2023
unibz – Faculty of Design and Art, Bozen/Bolzano
A Workshop hosted by Eau&Gaz Artist Residency
in collaboration with unibz, museion & transart
“An inflatable structure is simply a skin which contains space, separating exterior and interior, appearing and disappearing, and sometimes dematerializes. As such, it’s a ludic, fantastic and uncommon space, very far away from traditional construction.” Hans-Walter Müller.
Der Architekt, Ingenieur und Künstler Hans-Walter Müller hat fast sein ganzes Leben der aufblasbaren Architektur verschrieben. Während andere aus soliden Mauern und den Gesetzen der Schwerkraft bauen, lässt Müller federleichte Strukturen abheben, die aus transparenten oder in Grundtönen gehaltenen Kunststofffolien bestehen. Seine Architektur ist manchmal weniger als 40 kg schwer, transportable und in 15 Minuten aufgebaut. Diese einwandigen pneumatischen Strukturen sind dabei wie lebendige Volumen, die bei jedem Ein- und Austreten etwas in sich zusammen sinken, bis der Luftdruck wiederhergestellt ist. Ohne zusätzliche Strukturen erheben sich diese Tragluftvolumen in die Höhe und kreieren einen Freiraum aus Licht und Luft.
Hans Walter Müllers Architekturen fanden weltweit für temporäre und so unterschiedliche Nutzungen wie Ausstellungen, Festivals, Theater- und Konzertaufführungen Anwendung. Wie langlebig sie jedoch sein können, zeigt, dass Hans Walter Müller selbst seit 50 Jahren in einem seiner Volumen in La Ferté-Alais bei Paris lebt. Das Volumen M210 erhebt sich in einer Höhe von über 5 Meter und dient ihm als Atelier und Werkstatt für seine Experimente und Konstruktionen. Der heute 88-jährige Müller lebt mit seiner Architektur und entwickelt sie entlang seiner Bedürfnisse weiter. Dabei scheut er keine Herausforderungen und versteht seine Volumen dem Leben ähnlich. Wie Körper behalten seine Architekturen ihre Form dank des aufrechterhaltenen Überdrucks im Inneren, vergleichbar mit dem Blutdruck bei Mensch und Tier. Es verwundert also nicht, dass Müller die aufblasbaren Gonflables als zweite Haut bezeichnet.
Haben sich seine Volumen anfangs besonders in der Form und Größe von anderen pneumatischen Volumen, die während des Plastikbooms der 60 Jahre entstanden sind, unterschieden, ist nun der oberste Anspruch Präzision und die gemeinsame Findung von Lösungsansätzen der Problemstellungen. Über 40 Workshops hat er bereits gegeben, um sein Wissen an Studierende der Kunst und Architektur weiterzugeben und trägt so wesentlich zur Fortführung und Weiterentwicklung pneumatischer Konstruktionensprinzipien bei.
Für den Workshop in Bozen wird er die aufblasbaren Pavillons entwerfen, die dem Kids Culture Club als Freiraum für diverse Tätigkeiten dienen und jedes Jahr ihren Standplatz wechseln werden.
con Hans-Walter Müller
06.09 - 10.09.2023
unibz - Facoltà di Design e Arti, Bolzano/Bozen
Un workshop ospitato da Eau&Gaz Artist Residency
in collaborazione con unibz, museion & transart
"Una struttura gonfiabile è semplicemente una pelle che contiene lo spazio, separando esterno e interno, apparendo e scomparendo, e talvolta si smaterializza. In quanto tale, è uno spazio ludico, fantastico e fuori dal comune, molto lontano da una costruzione tradizionale". Hans-Walter Müller.
L'architetto, ingegnere e artista Hans-Walter Müller ha dedicato quasi tutta la sua vita all'architettura gonfiabile. Mentre altri costruiscono a partire da pareti solide e secondo le leggi della gravità, Müller fa decollare strutture leggere come una piuma, fatte di membrane di plastica trasparenti o dai colori primari. Le sue architetture pesano talvolta meno di 40 kg, sono trasportabili e possono essere montate in 15 minuti. Queste strutture pneumatiche a parete singola sono come volumi viventi che affondano un po' a ogni entrata e uscita fino a quando la pressione dell'aria non viene ripristinata. Senza strutture aggiuntive, questi volumi d'aria portanti si innalzano verso l'alto e creano uno spazio libero di luce e aria.
Hans-Walter Müller, Bauen mit Luft, Workshop Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 2023, Photo by Marta Tonelli
Hans-Walter Müller, Bauen mit Luft, Workshop Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 2023, Photo by Marta Tonelli
Hans-Walter Müller, Bauen mit Luft, Workshop Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 2023, Photo by Marta Tonelli