Dreaming of…Fairness?
Podcast Workshop
In the podcast workshop 'Dreaming of...' we want to talk - with each other, about and with art. We want to ask questions, tell our stories and take up space by actively speaking in the exhibition 'Dreams That Money Can Buy' by artist Philip Wiegard. Art educator Neo Seefried will explain the basics of making a (video) podcast and then it's up to you! Wiegard's work aims to open up a debate on the subject of fairness. What would a fair world look like for you? What are fair production processes? Can dreams be bought? What do you dream of? All these questions and more will be captured in your (video) podcast contributions in resistant, fantastic, critical and perhaps also funny stories.
Please bring along: Smartphone or tablet, headphones. (Smartphone tripod and microphone if available)
Duration: 3 hours
For pupils 12-16 years old
Podcast Workshop
Im Podcast Workshop ‚Dreaming of…‘ wollen wir sprechen - miteinander, über und mit Kunst. Wir wollen Fragen stellen, unsere Geschichten erzählen und Raum einnehmen durch aktives Sprechen in der Ausstellung ‚Dreams That Money Can Buy‘ von Künstler Philip Wiegard. Kunstvermittler*in Neo Seefried erklärt euch die Grundlagen, die es zum (Video) Podcast machen braucht und dann seid ihr selbst gefragt! Wiegards Arbeiten wollen eine Debatte zum Thema Fairness eröffnen. Wie würde eine faire Welt für euch aussehen? Was sind faire Produktionsprozesse? Sind Träume kaufbar? Von was träumt ihr? All diese und weitere Fragen werdet ihr in euren (Video)-Podcast Beiträgen in widerständigen, fantastischen, kritischen und vielleicht auch lustigen Erzählungen festhalten.
Bitte mitbringen: Smartphone oder Tablet, Kopfhörer. (Smartphone Stativ und Mikrofon wenn vorhanden)
Zeitraum: 3 Stunden
Für Schüler*innen 12-16 Jahre alt
Podcast Workshop
Nel workshop podcast "Dreaming of..." vogliamo parlare - tra di noi, di e con l'arte. Vogliamo porre domande, raccontare le nostre storie e occupare spazio parlando attivamente nella mostra "Dreams That Money Can Buy" dell'artista Philip Wiegard. L'educatore d'arte Neo Seefried spiegherà le basi per realizzare un podcast (video) e poi toccherà a voi! L'opera di Wiegard mira ad aprire un dibattito sul tema dell'equità. Come sarebbe per voi un mondo equo? Quali sono i processi produttivi equi? I sogni si possono comprare? E voi cosa sognate? Risponderete a tutte queste domande e ad altre ancora nei vostri contributi (video) in podcast con storie resistenti, fantastiche, critiche e forse anche divertenti.
Portate con voi: Smartphone o tablet, cuffie. (Treppiede per smartphone e microfono se disponibile)
Durata: 3 ore
Per studenti di 12-16 anni