Casting Show Of Wasted Talent
with Philip Wiegard
20th April at 7pm
Casting Show Of Wasted Talent
in the exhibition "Dreams That Money Can Buy" at Castle Gandegg.
In the performance "Casting Show Of Wasted Talent", Philip Wiegard returns to his childhood practice of playing the piano. The artist performs the piece "Deux Arabesque" by Claude Debussy, which he rehearsed over the course of a year-long learning process.
The guests of the evening are cordially invited to perform their own pieces.
mit Philip Wiegard
20. April um 19:00 Uhr
Casting Show Of Wasted Talent
in der Ausstellung "Dreams That Money Can Buy", Schloss Gandegg
In der Performance „Casting Show Of Wasted Talent“ greift Philip Wiegard auf seine Kindheitspraxis des Klavierspiels zurück. Der Künstler spielt das Stück „Deux Arabesque“ von Claude Debussy vor, das er in einem einjährigen Lernprozess einstudiert hat.
Die Gäste des Abends sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, selbst eigene Darbietungen zum Besten zu geben.
con Philip Wiegard
20. Aprile alle ore 19:00
Casting Show Of Wasted Talent
nell'ambito della mostra "Dreams That Money Can Buy" a Castel Gandegg
Nella performance "Casting Show Of Wasted Talent", Philip Wiegard torna alla sua pratica infantile di suonare il pianoforte. L'artista esegue il brano "Deux Arabesque" di Claude Debussy, che ha provato nel corso di un processo di apprendimento durato un anno.
Gli ospiti della serata sono cordialmente invitati a eseguire i propri brani.